Wednesday, February 29, 2012

D is for Disorganized

God, that is my life summed up in one tight little ball. I had a total break down today. Complete and total breakdown. I started sobbing, and my grandma is either doing so terribly that she is not coherent, or she's too drugged up to think clearly. I hope it's drugged up. And the doctor was right when he said she had about 3 months to live. Man, she doesn't look good. But it was easier to deal with because Suzi was here. I haven't mentioned this before, but god- I love my Aunt Suzi. She's like the mom I wish I had. She doesn't hide anything from me- like I need to be protected. I've probably been through more than the average 14 year old kid out there, and if it's one thing I don't need protected. And she treats me like I'm as mature as I am. But also, when I break, she's there to hold me and tell me it's ok. She listens to me when I talk, not just giving me an answer to satisfy me for the moment. She sees things they way I do (which I must admit, is pretty fantastic) and she is a REAL person. She doesn't hide the fact that she has been through a lot, and tells people things they want to stay hidden. She is honest, and not afraid to tell you something is wrong with you. She isn't what most people would consider to be unoffensive, she's not afraid to flip you off- but then again- everybody has issues, and really, you can't complain at hers when the governing body cusses sometimes. I mean- don't look at the straw in your brothers' eye when you have a rafter in yours. All in all, she is exactly what I need to get through this. I am so happy I was able to come to that conclusion today.
~~~~ In other news: ~~~~
I am gonna start adding a new little thing at the end of my posts- it will look like this:
Day Rating: **
Song of the Day: Fix a Heart- Demi Lovato
Quote for the day: Never let life's hardships disturb you- no one can avoid problems.
Good Thing of the Day: Family

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