Monday, September 17, 2012


I went to lunch today at Burger King. And who do I run into? With Christian? WESTON. He was there. It was so awkward, I wanted to crawl under a rock and die. So what happened was Christian and I walk into Burger King in the middle of the day and sit down to eat our lunch. And then, in comes Weston. He walks up to us and I say 'Hey' and he says 'Hey' and looks at Christian. He looks all funny. He says 'You guys walk here?' and I was like 'Yeah' and he's like 'Why are you being so awkward' and I was thinking 'You're not helping anything with this awkward silence. if you have no idea what to say, how am I supposed to' and he goes and sits in the next booth across from me. And now I feel like he's staring at me, even though I know he's not, but it's still awkward as all get-out. Terrible lunch.